Thursday 21 February 2008

Posting 3

Emperor penguins
Emperor penguins spend the winter on Antartica's open ice. They are the largest species of penguins. To overcome the freezing temperatures and wind of the Antarctica, they clump in huge masses, taking turns to move inside where they are protected from these whether conditions. Emperor penguins breed in winter, unlike most birds which breed in springtime. The females lay one egg the leave taking off to the open sea 80 kilometers away. The fathers will then balance on the egg with his brood pouch covering it for 65 days without food.

Killar whales
Killar whales weigh 8 tons. it hunts everything which include fishes, walruses, seals, sea lions, penguins, squid, sea turtles, sharks and other types of whales. A killar whales diet varies according to the season. An average killar whale eats 227 kilograms of food a day. Their 45 teeths measure 7.6 centimeters each and are shaped for ripping and tearing prey. The killar whale's white underbelly, white in colour helps it to camouflage into the surrounding.

Sea turtles
There are seven species of sea turtles. Most of them live 15 to 20 years long, some even eighty! their favourite food includes jellyfish, algae, snails and seaweeds. Sea turtles live mostly in the water, coming ashore to lay their eggs then returning to the water.

Mimic octopus
Mimic octopus appear to be venomous sole. They measure about two feet in length. It has brown and white strips covering its body. These creatures have amazing flexibility.

Bald eagles
Female bald eagles are a bit bigger than males. Their boies can be one metre long and their wing span can be 2.4 metres across. They can live for 35 years or more. Bald eagles can soar 3048 metres high. Their excellent eyesight enables them to see fishes 1.6 kilometres away!

Pictures taken from:

Tuesday 5 February 2008

posting 2

My name, nicholas. i live with my parents, my sister, my brother and my grandfather.

In 1996, on 22 december, at about 6 am, i was born. the hospital was gleneagles. I cannot remember a thing about that day. 1997, i cannot remember when or where but i had my first holiday. On the same year, i celebrated my first birthday with a birthday party, my very first one.

2000, i went to gracefields kindgarden. I was very happy there. I had many friends there. Some of them are even in the same class as me now! I performed a lot there. My most memorable one was the performance on the graduation day.

on the year 2003, i came to henry park primary school. In primary 4, i met my favourite teacher. i will never forget him.
I am now in primary 6. i am extremely sad. I have so many memories i do not want to part with. In the end, i will still have to move on. Untill then, i will keep exapanding my autobiography.